This movie was awesome. Heath did a really good job acting as the joker. I could watch it a million times. I didn't find it creepy at all, i found it just awesome. There was no mistakes in making the movie, no mess ups, or anything. I just wish that Heath could of played the joker throughout the whole movie.


Problem Child has some funny scenes. I thought it was alright but it isn't a movie you can watch a million times and still find it humorous. I watched it one day because i was hella bored and that's all that was on T.V. Lol, that's pretty much it. ^_^


Super Mario galaxy is hella tight. It's a very intense game. The only thing i hate is the fact that my baby brother always deletes mario after we completed a ton. It's very frustrating and i know it's just a game, but that game can take a bit of effort. Despite that it's a really fun game and easy after a while. I would recommend it. ^_^ Lol.